Shone whenever a new era, or generation emerged Walid, feels the urgent need to Muhammad peace be upon him, and Esthdi Estelhmh and walking on his path in the hope of a fruitful and present a brighter future.
In our times magnified our problems and there were many fears, is about the world that it is impossible to a forest dominated by the law of force, and the absence of human-human spirit, these evils on the ground, the threat that is spreading in the international behavior, no escape from it only by a return to the prophet of humanity in his life and his law and the perfection of humanity it.
He has raised Muhammad - peace be upon him - the banner of the right and the top of Mannar Justice and consolidated the rules of freedom and laid the foundations of civil and brotherhood between man and his fellow man without regard to race or language or color, and announced long ago that human beings are all equal, in virtue of the one on the other only through fruitful which is pleasing to God Almighty and the people.
Muhammad - peace be upon him - this man is noble that we all have to be under the ground, and the moral Ntkhalq followers and guided us in patience and modesty and conviction and struggle, and sacrifice and worship and a preference for people to himself.
Muhammad - peace be upon him -.. Lowers party, look to the ground longer than his attention to the sky, walking behind his companions, starting from the killing of peace, a long silence, does not speak unnecessarily, opening speech and Echttmh the name of God, the greater blessing if sounded, not angered, the world is no place for her, not angry for himself and not win it, smile smile, if launched, he pomp, and if the silence he has dignified the finest people and Oschahm breath, gives a tender is not afraid of poverty, what you have asked for something that never said: "No, what a choice between two things but chose the easier it was not a sin.
Muhammad - peace be upon him -.. Created by the Koran, not the cost of the clothing or food, wearing good clothes for an interview and delegations or on the occasion of rejoicing, eating what he finds, did not find Pat arms folded, and perhaps tighten the stomach stone from the intensity of hunger, who can extend his gaze towards the sky, calling what he wants Vistjab His Supplication in the case .. But it is a unique model of human beings, this world is not the biggest worries, and ultimately to him, but his faith is a moment in time after passing another world, Khaled, which unless notified to the heart of man.
Muhammad peace be upon him .. At home and cleans his shoes patched clothes and milking sheep, tells the Anas Bin Malik - may Allah be pleased with him - served with the Prophet for ten years, what he said to me: FC never said no to something I made: I have not created? Not for nothing left: I have not left him? Does not oppress anyone, reward, and tells the wife Aisha - may Allah be pleased: - hit the woman, a servant, and tells Abu Huraira - may Allah be pleased with him: - entered the market with the Messenger of Allah to buy shorts, leaped the seller to his hand, kiss her, Attracting the Prophet peace be upon him hand and forbad him, saying: "This is what you do Persians Bmlokha and I'm not a king, but I am a man of you," then I wanted to take the pants that I carry but he refused, and said: The first thing be realized.
Muhammad peace be upon him .. With his friends does not like that the have one, do not confront anyone that he dislikes, and if the language of one thing he dislikes alerted to this error words in such (What's wrong with people who do such and such) without mentioning the name of the fault, down to the markets Virushd people to the Secretariat and forbid them for deception and fraud in the transaction, approximately by owners of the lead in Islam and jihad, even if they are the midst of the people, consult with a preliminary opinion in peace and war and worldly matters, and to come down to their opinions, even bucked his mind.
Muhammad - peace be upon him -.. Rights in the fear and worship, many control to God, a broad fear of it, great obedience to him, the night Mthjadda kneeling in prostration so swollen feet, and flooded his eyes with tears to hear of the chest, wheezing, raises that Ms. Aisha Wife - God bless them - and ask: Do not do that, O Messenger of God has forgiven you what God made of past and future sins?! Vigibha: "should not be a thankful slave."
Sir, O Messenger of God, in the heart and mind is a sacred flame of love pulls us towards you, and links us to your leader and guide and a lamp that illuminates our lives, and takes us towards the perfect human, which I guess it is difficult to achieve or come away from your methods. Enaick being blood in our veins, and behavior follows the fault, and is on the Green.
God bless you on your birthday, and every day when the sun shines God.
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